Fallout 1 shady sands
Fallout 1 shady sands

fallout 1 shady sands fallout 1 shady sands

Tycho is the only that might stand a chance in later game combat, but won't stand against harder enemies like Super Mutants with their weapon Summit: Fallout 1 doesn't allow you to equip NPC's with any armour/weapons. Katja, Ian, Tycho Fallout 1 companions aren't that particularly good in terms of having any armor (Which was fixed in Fallout 2) Ian was ok for the beginning and mid, but later game is destroyed by most. He also has a functional companion wheel Sketch of vault Dweller's companions from the Fallout 1 (well, except Dogmeat ). Like his original counterpart he is not voice acted but has all of the companion controls used in New Vegas, such as tactics, distance, and firing. Mod Name: Classic Fallout Companions - Ian By: Ghille Attano AKA Shirtless Pants Description: This mod adds Ian from Fallout 1 as a hireable companion. (Ian, Dogmeat, Tycho and Katja) 1990s debut. Ian, Tycho, Katja and the beloved Dogmeat In the first Fallout there are four permanent companions. Unlike Fallout 2, in Fallout 1 you can have as much companions you like, regardless of your charisma or Karma. Ian (Shady Sands) - Convince him to tag along with a Speech check, or give him 100 bottle caps.

  • Dogmeat (Junktown) - Either Vault Dweller is wearing a leather jacket or by giving Dogmeat some iguana bits or iguana-on-a-stick.
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    Fallout 1 shady sands